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xingan county中文是什么意思

用"xingan county"造句"xingan county"怎么读"xingan county" in a sentence


  • 就成为
  • 如果省略隔音符号


  • Male , han nationality , born in june , 1940 , from xingan county , guilin , graduated from guangxi medicine university , now acts as director of surgery of guilin people s hospital also of neurosurgery , general board of china medicine association guangxi , commissioner of guangxi neurosurgery association , general board of guilin medicine association
    ,主任医师男,汉族, 1940年6月出生,广西桂林市兴安县人,毕业于广西医科大学,现任桂林市人民医院大外科主任,神经外科主任,广西中华医学会理事,广西神经外科学会常委,桂林市医学会理事外科主任委员。
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